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The excitement one gets when the work they put in a project is yielding good results. It makes the late night and all the stressing experience worthwhile. It's more fulfilling when the Grace of God is all around it and it is bringing in more testimonials.
Ntokozo Mbambo is world renowned vocalists, performer and songwriter of the gospel. She has performed all around the world and she hails from south Africa.
She took to Facebook to make her excitement known and she had this to say.
The sensational Gospel Songstress recently released one of her creativity titled “MAKABONGWE” the song of Revival which featured Pastor and psalmist Nathaniel Bassey. This is not the fisrt time this amazing duo has done magic together and anytime they do, its flames.
Just three weeks after it's released, the video has garnered one million views on YouTube and still counting and it's worth Celebrating.