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Have you ever noticed how people can become desensitized to unhealthy habits and attitudes in relationships? This phenomenon isn't limited to romantic relationships; it can also be observed in friendships and other forms of relationships. We may find ourselves tolerating behaviors like being given the silent treatment for weeks or being emotionally blackmailed into believing it's normal. As Allison Hyancinto aptly put it, "Some of you are in relationships where your partner can comfortably go days without talking to you, and somehow, they've convinced you that there's nothing wrong with it."
We deserve better than settling for relationships where we're not truly loved, appreciated, or celebrated. It's essential to recognize subtle red flags like a friend who never outrightly celebrates our successes or a partner who makes us feel like we're begging for their attention. We shouldn't settle for relationships that feel like a privilege or tolerate manipulative, emotionally abusive, or verbally toxic behavior.
Remember, no relationship is perfect, but we shouldn't accept nonsense. If you're in a toxic relationship, it's time to break free. Don't let the abnormal become normal. You deserve better. If you're the one perpetuating unhealthy behaviors, strive to change and become a person who genuinely loves and gives their best to relationships. Let's prioritize healthy relationships and unmatched energies. Break free from toxicity and embrace a life of love, respect, and celebration. Selah.